Alpha v0.7-3+ Recent development


Some of you might have seen that I started a blog and am now getting rid of the garage update. Mostly since I can take a screenshot and post with MaStory right from my device. (Which is what I'm doing now.)

First, I've spent the last few weeks doing internal code cleaning, which you'll see as a more stabilised application. (Yeah it's an application not some silly one function app).

Secondly I've signifigantly changed the GUI. I'm trying to generate a stylish modern and useable UI that dosen't follow the exact Hildon look and feel. I intended for this departure but still have ensured finger-friendliness.

As you can see from the attached screenshot.

Loading a Photo using new Photo Browser

Applying Filter with new Popup Look

Photo in full screen mode after a dynamic BW conversion

Visual Undo Browser with Step 1. Selected.

Any comments?


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