v0.9-5 Released to Extras-Testing
I think that for the time being the packaging issues have been resolved, Some time in the next week I'll make a proper Debian manifest release as noted by v13.
Version 0.9-2, released last night had a bit of an issue as described here (I posted this to T.M.O,):
Ok, seems like I'm sort of confused.
Version 0.9-1 was released to Extras-Testing it worked OK, but there were some packaging issues.
Version 0.9-2 I was using this morning to do some packaging changes In Extras-Devel, as suggested by v13 and others and thus has not been released. I've tried to keep some programming rigor, but sometimes version control just gets in your way. Remember Extras-Devel may not always work, bla bla, this is the case I inadvertently removed the .desktop file from my install src.
The "Workaround" as FarmerF mentioned would be to run the released version v0.9-1 which was released to Extras-Testing or wait for the next version to be released to Extras-Testing
I'm currently releasing a v0.9-5 to Extras-Testing with some of the packaging issues fixed. I'd say sorry for the confusion again, but I thought Extras-Devel was for development work. If anyone knows a good way to denote a release as "Development" verses a "Public" release I think I should do that, I'm delighted with the support but it seems that -Devel is no longer a place where I can put my test code. And now I feel like an *** for submitting v0.9-2, where people are posting "workarounds" to a release I suspected wouldn't work due to the changes I was testing.
Secondly, I posted this to T.M.O,
It may sound like an odd question but is there any way to demote a package in Extras-Devel.
I submitted a breaking change last night that caused a mini furry of posts that the application was broken, along with proposed workarounds. Unfortunately, it was reasonable that the version I submitted would cause a break (this is what I was trying to test)
While I post a new version up to the auto-builder, can I remove that previous version? so that no one else installs it?
or is there a way to mark a release as a Development only release that does not force a version update on users?
Ansel-A 0v.9 Released (First Beta)
After 2.5 long months; Powerful Image Editing has finally come to maemo!
Ansel-A: The Digital Darkroom for the Nokia N900
* Filtered-Black-&White-Conversion
* RGB-Color-Correction
* Brightness, Saturation, Contrast and Sharpening
* Pixel-level-Cropping (Portrait is still a little fishy)
* Tonal Shadows/Highlights
* Kinetic Photo Browser
* 360-Degree-Precision-Rotation
* EXIF-Browser-with-maps
* Unlimited-Visual-Undo
* Multi-Platform (Qt4.6, PyQt)]
* An active developer taking reasonable feature requests
and all this cool stuff is Fully Open Source.
a Gratuitous YouTube Promo Video [link]
v0.9-1 Released to Extras-Testing [link]
Brave souls please enjoy and offer critique (I'm ready to get coding again on all the bugs that I'm sure will creep up.)
Alternatively, you can comment on my Blog about this application if you're not the bug submitting type.
Support Questions [link]
Bug Tracking [link]
Feature Requests [link]
Installing Version v0.9-1
New Users: The easiest way to install:
if you have Extras-devel/Extras-Testing active go to
and click install.
Previous Users: I now first suggest either
or Code:
apt-get purge ansela
apt-get install ansela
v0.9-1 Addendum
run dpkg -i ansela_0.9-1_all.deb and then apt-get -f install to get the depends.
For some of the alpha testers (blizzard & debernardis) noted that earlier versions from extras-devel, especially the temporary v0.8-1 version have caused problematic installs. I/They suggest the simple purge method above before a reinstall for those users, there were some structural changes, that could cause a conflict.
Thank you all who have helped me over the past 2 months getting this released in time for the Calling All Innovators Contest, But especially:
achipa / attila77 for past work, fast answers, unreal patience to us noobs and of course PyQt4.7
noobmonkey you asked all the hard questions a month before me, so I just had to read the forums/irc
xvxxig guess who knows enough Linux now?
jgh for telling me what functions we really needed to have.
baconlt & tavaura20 my awesomely critical beta-testers, photographers and soundboards
mangoconleche & hunter30-06 You two know why, thanks to you the most
Ansel-A v0.7-5 Released
I'm quite glad of all the progress I've made one the PR1.2 release. There were some oddity that i was hit with as mentioned in the last post. Level Correction is in the works highlights will be active but it seems that the algorithm that I'm using causes compression and finally clipping at the top or bottom of the range instead of ramp. This will be corrected today. I'm also thinking about a healing brush. Or I guess just a blur tool to start with followed by burn and dodge. Tell me what you think.
Well before we get into that here's what i'm impressed with
And afer some contrast color and a straight blue BW filter:
I think we all win. This is the secondary reason that i developed this for the Nokia's Calling All Innovators Contest I think that this weeks major release or v0.8 should be good enough for the contest. All silly bugs as you see are fixed and any of the major ones are well on their way.
Again thanks, especially Michael and Charley for your support, and welcome to the community.